Saturday, 9 April 2011

to think

‘Ayamas’ as we call them here are old (or young) indian aunties who make their living doing odd jobs- cleaning, washing, sweeping, weeding to earn a meagre living.

After everyone has taken food from the mess it’ll be their turn. And instead of sitting at the tables many though there are, they sit on the dirty floor eating what’s left over. They collect stale bread, food no one wants, shoving them into plastic bags or straight into their striking green sarees to bring home to feed their families.

This week I came across one of them hobbling along the walkway. To my horror her right foot was swelled up and heavily bandaged yet she still came to work. What kind of work could she do I wonder. The next day I saw her again and what I saw made me want to cry! She had tied a plastic bag around her bandaged foot and she was hobbling along (other foot was bare) since usually they walk barefooted anyway. Eveyday those strong feet carry them one hour plus to work here and back. Crazy.

And sometimes I wonder, why the injustice? Many people their age have an opportunity, getting an education. And for them it seems like its impossible to get out of their poverty.


The biggest jewellery store in Bangalore. Just contrast it with pictures from my last post!

I admire their grit, their hard work and their simple life.


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